by Blessed James Alberione
St. Leo the Great
Pope and Doctor
Called the "Great" because of his wisdom and tremendous courage, St. Leo became Pope in 440 and successfully guided the Church for 21 years. It was he who stopped Attila the Hun from invading Rome in 452; and it was he also who opposed the heretic Eutyches, who denied the two natures in Christ, and Nestorius, who insisted that there are two persons in Christ. Faithful to Christ and to Peter the Rock, St. Leo died in 461.
Let us develop in ourselves and spread to those around us a great love for the Holy Father and loyalty to his teachings.
What Strikes Me Most Today
Thinking of my grandfather, Joseph Leo Mathews. He and my grandmother Helen Clare Buckley Mathews are in the picture above (holding me at my Baptism). Joseph Leo died in 1969, but he and my grandmother passed on their love for Christ and His Church, loyalty to the Holy Father and the Magisterium, and devotion to the Blessed Mother to their children and grandchildren. He was a great man, so I think it is appropriate that his middle name was after someone as great as Pope St. Leo the Great! (My grandmother was an awesome member of the Blue Army, but more about her another day!)
What strikes you most today?
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Look at little Jeffrey. And your Grandpa is so distinguished looking. Great pic!