Romans 7:24-25
24What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? 25Thanks be to God—through Jesus Christ our Lord!
What strikes me most today
"this body of death" - maybe it's just me, but more and more I read reminds me of Theology of the Body. Before I would have read this as meaning our souls would be plucked from these terrible bodies we are trapped in. But now that I am trying to learn Theology of the Body, it seems to me St. Paul is more talking about rescuing our human body and human soul from this mortal life, and perfecting us (body and soul) for eternity in Heaven. After all, we don't just have a body, we are a body - and a soul. This makes more sense with St. Paul's preaching about the resurrection of the body (which many of his day were not too happy to hear). So today he is telling us that, through Jesus Christ our Lord, we will be rescued and resurrected, body and soul, for eternity.
As I said, I am just trying to learn Theology of the Body. After struggling for quite some time, my understanding was jump-started in one hour by a lecture I was fortunate enough to hear by Sr. Helena Burns, fsp. If you are at all interested in Theology of the Body (i.e. if you are interested at all in this life and/or what's going to happen to you in eternity), I would recommend listening to what Sr. Helena has to say; she has certainly evangelized me! She is very mediavailable (I think I just coined a new term for "media available") at her blog ( - easiest blog address for me to remember), on facebook she has a Theology of the Body Online Study Course, and she twitters and does movie reviews for the Chicago Catholic newspaper, also on her blog).
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"Mediavailable"'s what all the cool kids are saying these days.