Romans 6:23
23For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
What strikes me most today
I remember the first time I thought about this verse: my college roommate in Kansas City had a brother, Moises, who had a gray t-shirt that read "Raise the wages of sin." Moises was an older brother, very cool (he was 21 before we were), and so I wondered why this verse was important enough to him that he would wear it for the world to see. I think at the time it had to do with raising taxes on cigarettes (ironic since his brother later became a Pulmonologist, fighting to prevent tobacco-related morbidity and mortality - but that's another story). The phrase "wages of sin" intrigued me. So I went to the Bible to look up Romans 6:23. It took me a while to think it over, but I eventually understood it, and it's been important to me for over 25 years now. Sin leading to death is described as "the wages of sin;" it's what we deserve. However, eternal life is not "owed" to us and certainly not what we deserve or have "earned" like wages - it is a gift of God. Sure, we need good works so we are divided with the sheep and not with the goats, but we know it is through the grace of God that we even have a chance of reaching Eternity in Heaven with Christ.
I don't know if Moises ever knew that he performed a great work of evangelization with this act of witness, and I wonder how many others were touched by it. He actually motivated a college student living away from home to open his Bible! Perhaps small actions or choices each of us makes positively affect others in ways we can't even imagine until the next life. I do know that I am eternally grateful for the strong witness of faith and family that Moises and his brothers and parents have been for me in my life (I'll save other great examples for future blogs!)
God knows what He's doing when He sends families like that into our lives!
What strikes you most today?
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This is my favorite verse because even though we all sin, and we deserve death because of it, God sent his son to die for us and give us eternal life. Free of charge. All we have to do is accept Christ in our hearts, and through his Grace we are saved from an eternity in Hell.