From Saint and Thought For Every Day, by Blessed James Alberione
Growth in Trust
The Lord acts towards us as a mother to her child. She nourishes her child according to his age. While small, she deals with him as a baby; later, she treats him as a child, a growing boy, a young man, until finally a mature adult. The mother does not make for her baby a coat as large as his father's. Everything is in due proportion. God is a father and a mother. He gives us His graces gradually. If we continue to pray, He will give us the grace to do tomorrow what we are not able to do today. Let us continue to pray and to stir up our will.
From A Year With Blessed James Alberione, Compiled by J. Maurus
History is the teacher of life
Don't be discouraged, cultivate always a healthy optimism. History is the teacher of life and our past experiences teach us many lessons. If we have lost one battle, we still have time, till we are alive, to win another one.
All things work together for good, when one has goodwill. Yet our failures serve to make us humble and make us pray to do better.
The most terrible temptation is despair, but the more common one is discouragement.
Faith is the first virtue and the second is hope. Let us honour God and render him homage by professing often our faith in his goodness.
What Strikes Me Most Today
What strikes me most today is a little different. I found the picture for today's blog on the website of the Catholic Institute of the Holy Family, at http://www.vocations-holyfamily.com/
Another branch of the Pauline family founded by Blessed James Alberione, it is the first Vatican approved institute for married, widowed, and engaged couples. If you might be interested in The Holy Family Institute, I recommend visiting their site. If you're not interested, I recommend visiting their site anyway for the beautiful religious art and music. All I can say is these Paulines are ONE BIG AWESOME FAMILY!
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Jeff, I love that you added a new twist to your "What Strikes Me Most Today" section with a link you think is noteworthy. It keeps your blog fresh and makes me wanting to come back each day to see what's new. Great job!